Bruce provides inspection readiness and compliance guidance to GSK Vaccines manufacturing network, focusing on AsiaPac. He is responsible for performing pre- Prior Approval Inspection (PAI) Assessments, and now has a specific remit on (i) preparing sites for first inspection, and on (ii) sharing knowledge on regulatory updates and trends into the organization.
Bruce has more than 30 years in the Pharma and Vaccines businesses, including a variety of roles in Validation and Compliance in both Drug Substance and Drug Product Manufacturing in UK, France and Singapore.
Bruce has been a PDA Singapore Chapter member since 2014, and was Chapter President from 2020-2022. Since July 2022 he has been a member of PDA's Science Advisory Board (SAB).
Lisa is an active member of the PDA Regulatory Affairs and Quality Advisory Board (RAQAB) and the PDA Australia Chapter. Lisa's experience comes from a background in Forensic & Analytical Chemistry, accompanied by a Masters in Forensic Science. After beginning her career as an analytical chemist in the petrochemical industry, Lisa moved into roles within the Pharmaceutical Industry where she gained hands on experience in a wide breadth of disciplines such as QC, Stability and Clinical Trials, Supply Chain Logistics, R&D, Aseptic Fill and Finish, QA, Release for supply and auditing. The majority of her time in the industry has been in roles working within the CSL group which manufactures biological products such as vaccines, antivenoms and blood products.