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Automated Deterministic Inspection Technologies for Complete QC of Prefilled Syringes

Vial and prefilled syringes are the future delivery systems of the pharmaceutical next generation of novel treatments. As the industry develops unique delivery solutions, greater understanding and control of primary container quality is needed. Shifting strategies within the pharmaceutical industry around container closure integrity (CCI) are driving towards a more robust data driven environment. Deterministic technologies that provide a more reliable test measurement can be leveraged to automated inspection platforms.

Challenges that face large molecules treatments and unique container systems call for deploying alternative technologies and inspection methods. This presentation will cover these challenges and map out technology strategies to provide reliable and practical solutions for CCI. Scientific case studies will establish criteria for successfully deploying a next generation CCI inspection technology. Automatic inspection systems that provide answers to the dynamic challenges introduced by the next generation of pharmaceutical treatments create a level of assurance required for such high-risk applications.

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